Centre Highlights
Meals Provided
Nappies & Wipes Supplied
SunSmart Aware
About Gaia's Nest
Welcome to Gaia's Nest!
At Gaia's Nest we believe that children have the right to freedom, respect, equality, happiness, fun, education, diversity and a safe, secure and purposeful environment. They need to be loved and nurtured. Our image of the child guides us to respectfully provide them with every opportunity to succeed as the powerful and capable learners we believe they are and for them to develop according to their own uniqueness within an environment full of beauty, gifts, challenges and provocation. We aim to delight the children as they explore their world and the natural wonders around them as they grow and learn through their play.
Whilst acknowledging that parents are the first educators of their children, we strive to provide an environment to foster and nurture the child’s sense of Belonging, Being and Becoming, establishing a growing identity as we work with families to find ways to connect home and the centre. We will provide a loving “home away from home” to cultivate and support family and community, honour Reconciliation and to provide and promote the building of quality attachments between children and educators.
We are really proud to receive and share our Assessment & Rating result of
Throughout the two day process with an assessor from the Education & Care Unit, our educators felt confident and relaxed as they shared their practice, skills and knowledge.
It is truly amazing that we felt capable and confident to maintain our practice, taking the assessor on bush walks and spending time around our bon fire with the children.
A great validation for nature pedagogy!!!
Availability & Fees
Reviews for Gaia's Nest
Location of Gaia's Nest
Mornington suburb information
Average cost per day
0-12 Months
13-24 Months
2-3 Years